Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone enjoyed their New Year's Eve as much as I did. I spent the evening with a new friend watching movies and pretty much laughing the whole night. I know it's not the high excitement that one would expect, but my evening was truly perfect and wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else but here. At midnight you could hear all of the rednecks firing their guns so much that it sounded like a fireworks show! Gotta love it!

This week was full of things we had to qualify for. I'm happy to report that I passed each practical exam with flying colors. We only had one day of PT and Mr. K wanted to do something fun so he had us do a triathlon. I think we all had a good time. We did a 10 minute swim, 30 minute bike, and then a 5k run. Of course the running was horrible for me, but as always, I finished what I started. The next day a few of us felt extremely old with our knees aching and realizing that what seemed fairly easy at the time, wiped us out. I might actually be motivated to do one when I get home and that's all that Mr. K wants us to get from the experience with him. He wants us to enjoy working out to the point where we will continue when we are home. He wants fitness to matter. We were able to see a different side of him this week as well. He gave us a speech of always remembering where you came from and to respect everyone. He reminds me of a lemonhead...hard and sour on the outside, but very sweet on the inside. I have the utmost respect for him.

There are only 6 more Mondays, 6 more PT sessions, and a few more exams until graduation. Sometimes I wonder how I made it this far, but then I think that it was just meant to be. Somethings in life just work out that way I guess. Besides, they wouldn't sell puzzles with pieces that didn't fit together! :-)

I hope everyone has a great new year full of surprises and smiles.


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