Sunday, January 9, 2011

It's a boy!

Another week down and only a few more tests to go. The guys and I talk every day about how quick it all went and how close we are to graduating. We are all still very close to each other and just like 14 brothers and one sister would do, we squabble from time to time. About 4 weeks ago you all read about how frustrated I was with the guys in my class and although I love them to pieces, they were on my last nerve. In the midst of all of that, I met someone who has been amazing to get to know. He is the true definition of a gentleman and he very much treats me like a lady. He is a country boy from Texas and with that comes an adorable twang to his words. Most sentences end with a ma'am or sir and his favorite nickname for me is City Girl. Gotta love it! He was my New Year's Eve date and pretty much every other night as well. The only downfall to all of this is his class closes out a week before mine and he leaves for the second half of his training in Maryland until June. If that isn't bad enough, he will be stationed in Brooklyn when he is finished with his program. Until then we are more than happy to spend most of our free time together. The only reason I'm putting all of this out there for you is because I told my mother I would (hi mom).

This week in PT we took a little run. We were split into three groups to do exercises at the end of each mile. The first mile group one had to carry a 14 pound medicine ball while running. After the first minute or so the ball gets pretty heavy and awkward to carry. Once we stopped group one had to do squat presses with the medicine ball, group two flipped a tracter tire, and group three did squat exercises with a kettle bell. Then it was group two's turn to carry the medicine ball and so on and so forth. We ran a total of about 4 miles and I'm not going to lie, it was horrible, but I finished strong. After the run we ran through the obstacle course once which was just enough to leave fresh bruises everywhere! Good times. Along with that valuable exercise came a piece of my training that I was not looking forward to. I can't really mention what I did, but it was the single most unladylike thing I have done. There were involuntary tears coming from my eyes that were running into the snot coming from my nose which was running into the drool from my mouth. Again, good times had by all! The moral of the story is I lived through to tell you all! Oh, and to carry tissues!

Other than that not much else is going on here. The weather has gotten really cold for my standards and we are all preparing for a test on Tuesday. As a matter of fact, once I'm done writing this I will go back to reviewing my notes. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope I get to see you all soon after my return.


P.S. Happy thoughts and prayers for my sister Lily who is currently in labor with her first baby. It's a boy!

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