Saturday, January 29, 2011

One full week left until graduation...

I'm not too sure what to say about this week. I got a few new bruises fighting the boys in my class and had fun doing it. Occasionally I was able to get a few shots of my own in to prove that I wasn't just going to sit back and get beat.

We also had our last PT session in which Mr. K allowed us to choose what we wanted to do and we all decided on working out on our own. I am happy to tell all of you that I made it through about 20 PT sessions without stopping, without giving up, and without missing a session. In the beginning I had my doubts and I thought for sure I would end up missing a day in some way, but I surprised myself and didn't. I am a firm believer that you can finish anything you start if you put your mind and heart into it. It may not look pretty and you may not finish first, but you are finishing something that has meaning to you. At the end of the day, that's all that matters.

The first few days of next week we have a lot to prove, so right now I'm feeling challenged. Tuesday morning we take our final fitness test. It's back to the obstacle course and the mile and a half. Always a good time!! Our last exam is is the next class after that. It's on material that we have accumulatedd since the beginning and sits in an overfilled 2 inch 3 ring binder. It's been overwhelming to figure out what to study and what ares need more focus, but no one has failed out yet and we refuse to lose anyone that way. We have study groups every night which helps. Then Wednesday, which I call the day from hell, we have a few practical exams, 2 are physical and one is torture! It's OC spray day!! God help me! After that, we just sit back and listen to the lectures and wait for graduation.

Thursday night will be bitter sweet. It will be my last evening with my Texan before he leaves for the second half of his training. It will probably be a couple of months before we get to see each other, but the reasons why are well worth it. Eventually he will make it out to California and meet you all, but for now he's the best kept secret at this place!

Ok, I'm off to another delicious chow hall lunch. Only 7 weeks until I come home!! I miss you all.


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