Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

I have to be honest, it doesn't really feel like Christmas. I'm sitting at my desk in my room staring at a stuffed Grinch doll my mother had sent me. On the other side of the room are all of the nick knacks I received in my care packages. A small tree and stockings from the Shaushkin's, singing chipmunks and a diorama from my dad, delicious Harry and David stuff from my Aunt, and a few cards that came in my mail back home. I loved all of the gifts and shared a lot of the edible items with my class so that I wouldn't reverse my progress.

This week was a mental challenge not to be a man hater. As you read last week I had hit my limit of man talk. Well, this week I became vocal about it. I told the boys about my issues and even walked out of breakfast one morning. Of course, according to them, it was all hormonal. Typical men! Things got better once I explained myself and they actually listened. Even so, I still cannot wait to get back to my life back home.

I have counted the days and I have 7 more Mondays and 7 more PT sessions left. This coming week should be fairly easy and shortened by a day! We do know that in PT we will be doing our version of a triathlon. We will swim in the pool for however long Mr. K decided then change out and head to the gym to ride a spin bike and then hit the pavement for a run. Not too hard right?? Hahaha. Regardless, it will be one more session completed and one less week to count! Mr. K and I now have a love hate relationship. He gets frustrated that I don't push myself as hard as he wants me to and I in turn get frustrated that he doesn't see that I am pushing myself. It's an endless cycle! At the end of the day I still have loads of respect for him and welcome the extra push.

I'm off to take a nice run. The temperature is mild and the sun is out. I hope everyone has had a wonderful Christmas and I will be blogging at you soon. Mele Kalikimaka!


P.S. The picture is compliments of Miya and Mariko (cousins) who are spending the holidays in Hawaii!

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