Sunday, December 12, 2010

Georgia rain=no bugs!

At the end of week 6 I am happier than ever. It marks our half way point and the successful completion of the fitness midterm. You might remember that the day after we arrived in Georgia we had to run through an obstacle course and run a mile and a half. We repeated that on Friday to log our progression and hopefully get a confidence boost. Originally I did the O course in 1 minute and 46 seconds and the run in 16 minutes and 7 seconds. As you can imagine, I was pretty nervous that I had not progressed enough to decrease my numbers drastically. Needless to say I surprised myself when I ran the O course in 1 min and 10 seconds and the mile and a half in 14 min and 34 seconds. The passing run time for the final is 14.30 and the O course is 1.45. I now have no doubt in my mind that in the next 7 weeks I will shave off the necessary 4 seconds from the run to pass the final. This week was huge for me. I can't even begin to tell you how huge my smile was when Mr. K towered over me and said in his Georgia accent, "Ma'am, you did good today, but that doesn't mean you can slack off. 14.34 isn't passing, but nicely done." I love his round about comments and I truly appreciate his dedication to make me better than I think I am. Oh, and I mastered that six foot wall!

I am also doing well with my classes. I did better than expected on our first exam by scoring a 96% which was the highest in the class. I shared that honor with two other classmates. The tough part is trying to stay awake after lunch. At any giving moment I can look around the room and at least one of us has the case of the nods. A lot of the material is very dry and there isn't a cup of coffee or a bottle of 5 hour energy big enough to cure them.

Now for my sad news. My friend Lenin went home this week. He has been sick since we started back in L.A. and just couldn't take it any longer. He wasn't sleeping which made it impossible for him to function. So, he went home to heal and he will be recycled with another group. I miss my friend, but in the end it was better for him not to be here while he was ill. It's stressful enough without an illness. The rest of the guys have been really good about including me in their fun since he has been gone. We took a trip to Target last night and went to 5 Guys for dinner and after I was going to walk across the parking lot to Old Navy to expand my limited wardrobe. I was told that I was not going alone because I have 15 brothers now. Yikes, the independent side of me went nuts and the warm fuzzy side sat and waited. These guys I'm with are wonderful...even when we bump heads.

Well friends and family, it's time for me to study for our exam on Tuesday. I hope you are all enjoying the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season. I miss you all!


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