Saturday, December 4, 2010

Almost half way there!

I can hardly believe that we just completed week 5. I managed to pass all 3 exams, but do not know my score on the third one just yet. My hours and hours of studying paid off! The physical conditioning continues to be challenging. Monday we did a cross fit workout that consisted of lifting weights, medicine balls, and a row machine. We had to partner up and since there are an odd number of people in our group one of us had to partner up with Mr. K. I was the lucky one! I actually had a great workout and he motivates me very well. I even got a higher score than I could have ever imagined. Three sets in 15 minutes sounds easier than it actually was. The running still stinks, but it is getting better. At least I feel like it is.

The new class from our office came in this week. They are a fun group who makes me appreciate how organized and focused my class is. I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason and that I was meant to be with this group. Our class President has played a huge part in my success here. This week I hit a little mental breakdown after Tuesday's conditioning session. I felt like no matter how hard I tried, I wasn't being recognized for my efforts and Mr. K definitely got in my head.  Our President picked up the pieces and carried me through my low point. He's truly the best!

This weekend is sort of a resting weekend. We don't have a lot of studying to do and will only go for a run today and maybe swim tomorrow. Sounds relaxing, huh? Well, that's as relaxed as it will ever get! Week 6 has 4 physical conditioning days in 35 degree weather. Yay me! All kidding aside, I don't think it will be that bad. I made it this far and I'm only looking forward!

I miss you all and thank you for the encouraging comments!!

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