Thursday, March 3, 2011

The light at the end of the tunnel...

Phew! What a crazy and cranky week and a half. Spanish has continued to be challenging for me and I don't think I have ever in my life studied so much for anything. It has been a race to meet the passing 700 points so that just a little bit of pressure can be relieved. That's not to say that I can stop putting forth effort, it just means that I know that no matter what happens, I have passed. After today's exam my point total is 570 which means I will easily reach over 700 by this time next week. Until then it's all study study study!!

Last Saturday I ran a 5k with the academy led by Mr. K. It was all for one of the local PTA's and was a nice brisk jog around the island. I took my usual place in the back of the pack and noticed Mr. K looking around. He then says, "Ma'am what are you doing back there? Get up here!" With my usual yes sir, I moved my way to the lead position where I remained for the entire run. At one point Mr. K had me running with the guide(the agency flag) which was slightly more exhausting than I though it would be. Then as we were just a little past the half way mark, I tripped over some tree roots that were coming up from beneath the concrete. I scraped my elbow on the way down and all I could hear was one of the other PT instructors telling the guys to help me up. Little did that instructor know, this fall was not my first fall. Mr. K did not slow the group down nor did he stop. He knew I would catch back up to my spot in front and that's what I did. In true Mr. K fashion he looks over at me and says, "Nice tactical roll ma'am." Trying to hold back my laughter I answered with a quick thank you sir and finished the race strong. The best part about the whole thing was I made a new friend from one of the classes that started a couple months after I did. Her name is Beth and she is from Pennsylvania. We have already done one girl's day out and are planning another for next weekend. I'm just sorry I didn't make the effort to meet her sooner.

With that said, all work and no play makes me cranky! This weekend my Texan is coming into town for a short visit. We both have been looking forward to spending some time together and hitting that mental reset button. We are staying on one of the local islands that's full of history, cute shops, and great restaurants. It was one of the places that my instructor goes for a little R&R so I thought it would be right up our alley. Hopefully I can get some pictures of us to share with you all.

Well, I'm sorry for the boring blog, but there really isn't anything going on in this sleepy little town. The only good news is that I will be home in 15 days!!!!! See you all then!


1 comment:

  1. Not a boring blog at all...I love them all. I'm still missing you and am needing another Allison fix...soon! Love you always...Mommy.
