Monday, March 7, 2011

A weekend away

This week was truly uneventful. I learned Spanish, I studied Spanish, and I was tested. Sound fun yet??? I'm happy to say that I did well on my exam and I am getting close to that 700 mark. I think my total after today's quiz is 597. Thursday is our next big exam and that will definitely put me in the 700 club which most of the native speakers will be at by tomorrow or Wednesday. Until then, I am living off of coffee and smiles.

The absolute highlight of this week came Friday night. My Texan flew in from Maryland for the weekend for a short and must needed visit. We spent two nights on one of the local islands that was recommended by one of my instructors. He thought we were going to walk around the historic downtown area and go into all of the little shops, but to his surprise I had an ace up my sleve. There is an fort on the island that was built back in the 1800's and the last time it was used was during WWII. On the first weekend of every month they have live reinactments and these role players tell you all about how life was back in those days. I had no idea that the woman who washed the men's clothes made $26 a month when a young private only made $12. Smart women!! We both enjoyed the history and he was happy that we weren't shopping. Although later that day we walked the streets of the historic downtown and enjoyed a great lunch and dinner. The weekend was perfect and we can't wait to have many more like it.

On a sad note, this past Friday, the father of one of my very best friend's died. They believe that he had a heart attack on the way to the hospital to seek treatment. Please keep her family in your prayers.

I miss you all.


P.S. This is him....sorry about the squnity faces, it was bright out!

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