Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Home Again

Hello everyone and welcome to my very last blog! In the past 4 and half months you all have been apart of the most amazing journey of my life and for that I thank you. Sometimes I thought that I would have lost my marbles if it weren't for all of the support. I thought that leaving Georgia would be one of the happiest moments of my time there, but in the end it turned out that it was as bitter sweet to leave as it was to go. I was very fortunate to meet some special people from all over the country who no doubt will be in my life forever. I will miss all of them. Of course the one person that I miss the most is the Texan. Finding him was like finding a needle in a haystack full of men! He continues to do well in his training and we are hoping to see each other in  a month.

I ended Spanish just 2 points shy of a 90% which did not make me very happy. It was a personal goal that I had set, but all in all I was proud of the job I did. I don't really speak it all that well, but I guess that's what Rosetta Stone is for. This class was simply to give us a foundation to build off of.

I look back and realize that even through the lows and the frustrating parts, I had an amazing adventure. I did things that I didn't know I was mentally or physically strong enough to do and did them well. Through this I found my inner strength and have learned so much about the person I am. They say that everything happens for a reason and I truly believe that. This journey is proof.

The trip home was not without minor chaos. I was waiting for the 5am campus shuttle to the airport and watched it drive in the opposite direction. In a moment of panic I ran inside and had the clerk at the desk call the driver and have him come back. Apparently I wasn't on his list and he was about to leave without me. Oops!! My flight had about 9 other graduates on it so I didn't have to try and stay awake by myself. That's right, I am no longer allowed to sleep on airplanes! It took effort! Then my layover in Dallas was about 3 hours long, but that was at my request. I was able to have lunch with a friend I hadn't seen in a very long time. All in all, everything was perfectly smooth and I made it home on time. 

I have now been at work for  3 days and all I have to say is holy craziness batman!! That place is busy. I am learning a lot and meeting tons of new people. Next week I start on my regular shift which will be nice. My supervisors are all very nice yet stern at the same time. I think I'm going to like it!!

Again, thank you for everything. Your support and love will never be forgotten. Adios!



  1. Glad you're home...but say it isn't more blog?

  2. I am so proud of you! You will have to stop by the house when you get a chance. Love ya!
