Monday, February 21, 2011

No entiendo!

Holy cow people, this spanish class is no joke! My grades are up, but I still struggle to remember all of the vocabulary words they throw at us. This week I would have rather been back in PT with Mr. K yelling at me to run faster!  We had our first exam on Wednesday and I scored an 81% which I should be more than happy with, but for some reason it feel like I failed. Very odd!

The Texan is settling into the second half of his training and we continue talk every night. We both wish we were closer, but I'm hoping to make a weekend trip to see him in a couple of weeks. This place definitely isn't the same without him here.

The weekend was very boring which put me in a foul mood. Half of my class went home for the 3 day break and the rest of us tried to keep our minds occupied. At 10pm on Saturday when that wasn't possible anymore, I decided to run the perimeter of the campus. Apparently I like running now. Who would have thought?!

Well, I'm off to study. I hope your long weekend was more productive than mine.


P.S. I'm home in 25 days!! I have a countdown widget on my phone!

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