Saturday, November 20, 2010

My Angry Gorilla

I'm not even sure where to start this one...The four days of physical conditioning was definitely a challenge especially because it ended up being five days. Early in the week we were taught proper body positioning for weightlifting and apparently the proper position for a dead lift is looking like an angry gorilla from the national geographic channel. Our lead instructor, we'll call him K for the blog, looks at me and says, "There you go ma'am, there's your angry gorilla!" I preceeded to start laughing and when he asked why I said that I had never been called an angry gorilla before. He walked away holding back his laughter. The following day we were in the gym actually doing the lifts and I was told I was the model for doing a dead lift. Figure that! K was there a couple of days later when we were and says I have a perfect angry gorilla. Just then the bar hits my knee and I start to bleed. So I said, "Sir, I think my angry gorilla just bit me!" He laughed and walked away. I like him! Then comes the running part. I am truly a horrible runner. K and I both believe it's all mental and I cant quite figure out how to get past that. With that said, I never gave up and finished strong each day. I have at least 3 bruises on each extremity from jumping over that 6 foot wall 20 times and flipping tractor tires about 200 feet. Good times! Needless to say my entire body is sore and got a well deserved break today. Tomorrow it's back to the gym.

As far as Georgia is concerned, it's an interesting place. The people are nice and the bugs are in abundance. Next weekend we are taking a short road trip to Savannah to get away from this compound. I think we are all starting to get a little case of cabin fever. Hopefully I will be able to share a picture or two with you all.

Miss you

P.S. Happy Thanksgiving!

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